Titanic sunk by collision with Hindenberg claims realtor

Titanic_HindenburgDid the Titanic collide with an iceberg? Not according to Acreville realtor and Titanic expert Evan Kroons. His discoveries are set to overturn everything we thought we knew about the famous maritime disaster.

“The Titanic was made of metal,” Kroons explains. “An iceberg is just ice, through and through. Metal is way stronger. Trust me on this one. I’m convinced that only one thing could have sunk this unsinkable vessel – an airship the exact size and shape of the Hindenburg.”

After years of investigating the subject, using both books and World Wide Web technology, Kroons, has concluded that the Titanic’s own distress messages were misinterpreted. “Their radio was damaged, so some words got chopped out.” According to Kroons, the Titanic’s actual message was not “We’ve hit an iceberg” but “We’ve hit a nice (… big airship – the Hinden…) berg”.

“Yes, they said ‘nice’ not ‘ice”‘, says Kroons. “In those days, an airship was an amazing sight. They probably thought, what a nice airship.”

But the awe and delight of the passengers turned to terror when the giant airship struck the Titanic, scraping a long hole through its steel hull, dooming the great ship to a watery grave, and causing its band to play on.

Kroons first doubts about the Titanic disaster arose when he discovered that the Titanic sank in April. “It was springtime,” says the real estate and history expert. “It was the kind of April evening when you might stand at the front of the boat with a girl and say you’re the king of the world or something. If it had been iceberg weather, he’d have worn a big coat.”

Kroons’ discovery also shed’s light on the famous Hindenburg disaster. “People always say how the Hindenburg crashed when it landed. But NO! The Hindenburg caught fire when it hit the Titanic. The Hindenburg captain saw the fireballs coming out of the side. He knew they were in trouble, and flew at top speed to the nearest place it could – New Jersey, where people filmed it. But it didn’t catch fire then. It was ALREADY on fire. People just couldn’t see it because the fire was round the other side. Then the fire spread round to the side they could see, and everyone said, oh, it’s caught fire. Wrong, actually. It was on fire for hours.”

When asked to explain how Hindenburg disaster occurred 25 years after the Titanic, Kroons explained that people often got dates wrong in those days. But if the dates are correct, it might open up an even more fascinating possibility. “That a rip in the fabric of the Hindenburg might have created a rip in the fabric of time.”

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